After 3 floors of trade fair carrying a 9kg baby there was light at the end of the tunnel. Not only some of the BEST products but an enthusiastic designer wanting to relieve me of said baby! Phew.
With free arms I discovered 'Mister Mista'. I think there was instant happiness here in this newly formed relationship, perfect boys Tees, amazing re-stickable decals and gift cards with some of the most amusing characters around!
If your a fan of 'Ren and Stimpy' and sing to your children like we do, "it's log, it's log it's better then bad it's good" you'll find there own Blog character as funny as I did! http://www.mistermista.com/blog/
Whether it's the ABC or counting to 10 you want, these guys have it covered with repositional decal sets.

As well as some fabulous friends to try out like the 'Modsters' and the 'Lebowski's' which are pictured at the top!